Websites & Hosting

Want to build a new website or revamp a new an existing one?  CTS is pleased to offer affordable web hosting and website creation/modification.

Depending on your needs, CTS can customize a solution utilizing the hosting packages provided by  The following provides the specifications & pricing of the current hosting packages:

*Please note that the specifications shown above are customizable for managed clients.

**Hosting fees are independent of the cost to develop the site content/structure/function.

CTS has experience creating regular HTML pages that utilize modular php code or aspx when needed as well as content management systems such as WordPress, SuperSonic-Online’s SiteScript, and Joomla(limited).  Additionally, SSO is capable of hosting your SugarCRM database with limited support.  If you need a platform or code base  not mentioned here, please feel free to contact us and inquire.  Unless a platform is specifically requested, CTS will evaluate your needs and select the best system for the desired functionality.  Once chosen, we will define the stages of development that will ultimately lead to achieving the desire results.  Most sites typically have 2 stages:

  • Stage 1: Create and/or acquire site domain/files/emails.
  • Stage 2: Build/modify site.

Depending on the size & complexity of the site, more stages of development may be required.

Fee(s) for building the site will be determined on a stage by stage basis, and will require an estimate as every site is different.  Once built, additions or modifications of the site  by CTS are billed by the hour at the “Remote/Local Service/Support” rate.

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